In Latin, "Adamo" means to find pleasure in or to fall in love with. That's exactly how we at Adamo Press feel about reading. Founded in 2013, our company is a small, boutique press that focuses on quality, rather than quantity. Our philosophy is that while reading is important for information, communication, and education, reading books for entertainment allows us to escape the chaos of our world and balance out the bombardment of technology. Many times when we turn to the last page, we are forever changed. A good book lingers in our mind.
Our books are available from your favorite retailer or website. Next time, you're at your local bookstore, search for the books with the Adamo Press logo. Can't find what you're looking for? Ask them to order the title for you through our distributor, Ingram. You can order autographed copies directly from us to enjoy a quiet evening at home, prepare a nice gift for someone, or simply to provide a distraction from life.
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